Celebrating safely:
Hello we are going to Faulkner's Ranch for our son's 8th birthday. This will be an OUTDOOR event. Timeline: Starting at 10:45 am we will have a greeter fir us. ( see below) 11:00 pm Head to pavilion to eat lunch - Take group picture. - Sing Happy Bday 11:15 am eat lunch, clean up then go play. 02:30 pm* LaTasha is leaving. But Malachi + Caleb are staying. Ranch clothes at 6:00 pm. Details: Starting at 10:45am we will have a greeter that is waiting for us on the south side of the gift shop. They will have a red tent with corn stalks for visibility. They will have your wristbands
so feel free to stay with your kiddos!! Call with any questions. |
If you are insistent on getting Malachi a gift here are his current interest:
1) Mine craft 2) Ryan's World 3) Roblox Toys 4) Pokémon SMH- Here are photos of his wish list: News to me. 5) https://photos.app.goo.gl/SSo6TFwaBLBeX8Up8 |